Building custom GPTs for legal and option trading applications

I am an AI Prompt Engineer, Custom GPT Builder, and Web Developer specializing in legal and options trading applications. With a passion for clear communication and a deep understanding of finance, law, and technology, I help businesses unlock their full potential using AI-powered tools.

As a driven professional, I bring a unique blend of expertise in education and technology to the table. With a degree in psychology from UC Berkeley, I began my journey as an LSAT instructor, mentoring pre-law students through standardized testing for over 18 rewarding years. My passion for innovation led me to become a self-taught data engineer specializing in AI technology, enabling me to create custom solutions for diverse industries such as legal and finance.

I focus on harnessing the power of AI without the need for coding, utilizing natural language as a programming language. My skills in prompt engineering, chain-of-thought reasoning, and few-shot learning empower businesses to maximize their AI potential. I also prioritize user intent detection and safeguard against prompt injection attacks to ensure secure and personalized model outputs.

In my pursuit of efficiency and transformation, I developed CustomGPT, an AI-powered platform designed to revolutionize personal injury case management for law firms and attorneys. CustomGPT streamlines the process by offering key benefits:

AI-driven demand package creation: CustomGPT analyzes case data, extracts key details, and crafts compelling narratives for demand packages.

Increased efficiency: By automating initial stages of demand package creation, CustomGPT saves valuable time, allowing lawyers to focus on high-level aspects of the case.

Fair compensation estimation: CustomGPT leverages a vast database of settlements to propose fair compensation amounts for each case, helping clients achieve optimal outcomes.

My expertise in legal text tokenization ensures accurate understanding of legal language by the custom GPT model. I prioritize data cleaning, case sensitivity, Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, and custom tokenization logic for specialized legal domains.

Simple analogy explaining how AI can be used to estimate demand compensation in legal cases, similar to how it was used to design the Moderna vaccine:

AI in Vaccine Design

In designing the Moderna vaccine, AI was used to simulate the biological processes involved in immunity. By running countless simulations, scientists were able to identify the most effective mRNA sequence to trigger the immune response.

AI in Legal Case Management

Similar to vaccine design, AI can be used to simulate the legal process. By analyzing vast amounts of legal data, AI can predict the likelihood of success at different stages of a case. This can help attorneys estimate potential compensation for their clients.

Benefits for Attorneys

  • Informed Decisions: AI-powered simulations can provide attorneys with valuable insights into the potential risks and rewards of different legal strategies.
  • Improved Client Service: By accurately estimating compensation, attorneys can set realistic expectations for their clients and avoid protracted litigation.
  • Increased Efficiency: AI can automate repetitive tasks associated with case management, freeing up attorneys’ time to focus on more strategic work.

Analogy in Action

Imagine a legal case flowchart representing a five-year litigation process. AI can analyze similar cases, attorney experience, and other factors to simulate the possible outcomes at each stage. This simulation can provide attorneys with a probabilistic range of potential compensation for their clients.

AI-powered simulations can be a valuable tool for attorneys, offering data-driven insights to estimate demand compensation and improve client service.

By partnering with me and CustomGPT, law firms and attorneys can optimize their AI applications, streamline their workflow, and drive success in personal injury cases. Together, we can unlock new possibilities and elevate your practice to new heights. Reach out to explore the potential of our collaboration.

Leveraging my extensive legal background and precision prompt engineering skills, I enable Artificial Intelligence to proficiently analyze intricate legal documents, extract essential information, and streamline legal processes. By integrating my expertise in finance, law, and human psychology, I craft AI prompts that drive decision-making in dynamic financial markets, delivering real-time insights for informed trading decisions and accurate demand compensation estimates in civil legal cases.

Full Stack Developer with Expertise in:

Frontend Development

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ECMAScript) latest specification
  • Frameworks/Libraries: React.js, Angular, or Vue.js
  • CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, or Foundation
  • Tools: Chrome Developer Tools, VS Code, Sublime Text, Webpack, Babel

Backend Development

  • Languages: JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Java, and PHP
  • Frameworks: Express.js (Node.js), Django (Python), Flask, Spring (Java), and Laravel (PHP)
  • Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MySQL

Additional Tools

  • Legal APIs: APIs from sources like Legal Data API, Law Library API, or CourtListener
  • Search Functionality: Elasticsearch, Algolia, and Apache Solr
  • Content Management System: WordPress, Drupal, or a custom-built CMS
  • Analytics: Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Matomo

Infrastructure and Deployment

  • Web Hosting: AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, DigitalOcean, or Linode
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions
  • Containerization: Docker or Kubernetes


  • Unit Testing: Jest, Mocha, Jasmine, or Cypress
  • Integration Testing: Selenium, Puppeteer, or Appium

Contact me today to discuss your custom GPT project or bespoke website!



Troy Trang

AI Prompt Engineer, Web developer


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